Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Welcome back to school Montclair Elementary! As summer starts to fade harvest season is upon us in the Friendship garden. There has been a bounty of greens and tomatoes this summer, along with some mammoth carrots and a stunning pumpkin crop. Chamomile is growing wildly and there are 4+ foot celery stalks.
We are thinking about having a harvest festival this fall, or perhaps some sort of a pumpkin event in which each class would do something fun/creative/educational with a pumpkin and compare results at the end. Let us know what you think. We love to hear your ideas.
This year there will be an emphasis on getting kids out into the garden and integrating all the garden has to teach into classroom curriculums. Pilar has spent  a tremendous amount of time developing garden lesson plans for each grade. The garden can be used as a platform to teach biology, nutrition, health, cooking, life science, diversity, ecosystems, reading, writing, math......... the possibilities are endless.
We are very excited about getting teachers and students more engaged in the garden as we begin to plan for the garden that will take shape with the new construction.
 A joyful moment as we ate the larger than life celery. 

 Never too young to start gardening

 Holy pumpkins Batman!!

We ask all of you gardeners (and nongardeners) to join us in the effort. Our kids thrive in green-space. Get involved! Talk to us, talk to your child's teacher or just stroll around the garden and wonder at the marvel of all of that edible greenery sprouting from the earth.

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