Last week the Dad's Club came and raised the picnic tables and helped install the outdoor auditorium. The garden is ready!!! Of course, we have lots of planting that still needs to happen and artwork (Remi Rubel has been working with the fourth grade on some amazing stepping stones) installed, but for all intents and purposes (GARDENING!) we are ready to go!
The beds are ready for Spring. We could use more garden volunteers in the classroom to help plant the class plots. The kindergarten beds are up outside Ms. Nicola's classroom, while all of the other grades are down in the Lower Garden. The garden map is posted at the school, across from the office.
If you would like to work as a garden volunteer in the classroom, help in the garden in general or have extra gardening supplies or equipment that you would like to donate, etc. please let us know at or
Happy Gardening!