Friday, May 21, 2010


The longer I grow food with kids at Montclair, the more excited I become by the amazing lessons that can be learned through such a beautifully simple program. It is all about seed to table, or, to put it another way, having children reap the rewards and taste the bounty that comes from our earth. This healthy and amazing food tastes so much better when you know that you've grown it yourself! Often the kids will enjoy foods (veggies) that presented most anywhere else they would turn their noses up at.
This being said I will admit that I am very proud of the amazing artichoke plant that has come up so nicely in Ms. McClain's veggie bed! I planted it as I plant most things - not knowing how it would do, weather we would get a crop before the end of the school year, and wondering how an entire classroom could possibly share a few artichokes if they did...
Well here we are. Seed to table. The three artichokes were devoured by our 30 students - four leaves apiece. They planted them, they harvested them, and then they ate them up. How fun this is. And what large lessons lie within.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wine Barrels

The wine barrels are looking great! Thanks so much to Larry Magid, Lara Jealous, Eric Veldhuizen, & many from the dad's club - this beautification project has been a true team effort. Now that spring is here, the mums are getting ready to bloom and the drip irrigation will ensure their survival! 
Thanks to all of you who showed up to our "cleanup day" to help with this great project. We couldn't do any of this without you.