Although it was a little while ago now, we had a wonderful and successful compost cleanup day this fall. For those of you who do not know, the cleanup day is a weekend day when kind-hearted and generous parents come together to care for the school garden as well as the school grounds in general. These days happen twice each school year- once in the fall and once in spring. I find these days to be community-building and heart-warming events. Not only that, but when we work together we really do get a lot done!
Below you can see some photos of all that we did, which included:
-Weeding the existing raised beds in the friendship garden and in front of the portables.
-Putting fresh composted organic soil into the raised beds and turning them (so they are ready for the new crops coming in!)
-Planting the flowers around the new trees on the lower and middle playground.
-Painting the wall in the front of the Adventure Time Classroom.
-Transplanting perennial herbs to create a communal herb garden.
If you took part in the day- once again, thanks so much! The school looks better because of you.
If you missed the cleanup day, do not despair! There will be another one this spring, towards the end of the school year. And you can check back here for dates and more details!