Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mark your calendars: 

October 24th is Food Day
Bring all your garden fruits and veggies to school! Any late tomatoes, early winter greens ready for harvest, or perhaps a few carrots or sweet peas to share? Bring them in to your classroom on October 24th. They will be distributed to kids at snack and lunch. Let's have a low or no carbon footprint meal. Maybe you could even walk those veggies to school.......

October 28th is our next Garden Work Day
We will be preparing garden beds for planting, weeding, clearing ivy etc. We would love to have you all join us 9-12. Coffee and bagels will be provided. Bring gloves, shovels and trowels if you have them. 

If you want some garden inspiration take a look at the beautiful power point below which was presented by Pilar at the PTA meeting last week. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The pumpkin patch event was a smashing success!! Each class harvested a pumpkin from the garden and used it for a lesson plan. The lessons ranged from history to math to language arts and beyond. Even pumpkin Haiku!! Thanks to all of the teachers and parents who made this event an incredible demonstration of what garden veggies plus a healthy dose of creativity can teach.

Park Guthrie the OUSD Garden Coordinator joined the garden team to speak at the PTA meeting this month. The garden mission and vision were shared with an enthusiastic audience. Let's bring gardening to every classroom every day!

 Here is a product of the garden !!! This tomato is bigger than a small pumpkin itself.
Our one single apple has miraculously survived the last couple of months of deer invasion. If you have any idea for what we should do with our crop of a single magnificent apple please submit it here!